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 My boat is Going well.

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Just add water
Just add water

Posts : 169
Join date : 2015-05-02
Age : 70
Location : Down the boozer.

My boat is Going well.  Empty
PostSubject: My boat is Going well.    My boat is Going well.  EmptySun Jun 28, 2015 7:15 pm

I am very pleased with the results so far bounce Very Happy .
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My boat is Going well.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: My boat is Going well.    My boat is Going well.  EmptyTue Jun 30, 2015 10:00 pm

there are 3 / 4 guys who bring their boats similar to these down to the lake at Fleetwood on an evening. and regularly have impromptu races point to point around bouys..........not into the boats themselves, myself......but I have to admit that it is exciting to watch them race.

think my disinterest to a point comes from watching them as a kid, when the guys would take 20 minutes or so fettling the motor to get them running, and then as soon as they dropped them in the water the engines would cut, and after a wait for ten minutes or so for it to drift back they would take another 20 minutes to get the damn things going again, and then the same thing would happen over and over again........made me take to scale, lol
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My boat is Going well.
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