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 Mold for lead ballast

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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptyFri Jul 18, 2014 9:45 am

While ballasting models in the past I've used flat pine board and hardwood strip about 3/8" apart and cast the lead in 24" lengths and cut to needed length, with the Paddler models there's not much room and it's fiddly to place the strips.
So I used some Redwood 3/8" x 3 1/2" and drilled 30 holes of 5 sizes with spade bits 12mm to 28mm in size.

Now before anyone jumps up and down about safety.

The wood does scorch and smoke somewhat.
Though I've never had a fire, 
I wear my leather welding apron (Neck to ankles)
A fire extinguisher is close at hand.
It's always done out doors. 

Each casting will be a little bit bigger as the sides scorch,

and I expect to 5 or 6 castings from this Mold which should be enough for several more models.

Mold for lead ballast M1_zps7c5c235b

Mold for lead ballast M2_zpsc39cf018

After cooling I'll separate the 2 parts and the weight will tap out without hassle. 
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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptyFri Jul 18, 2014 12:24 pm

Ihave been known to do similar things myself in my younger days of pouring moulten lead down a copper pipe into a bucket of cold water to make lead shot.................

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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 9:30 am

Interesting day in the past I've used a stewed fruit can to melt the lead in on a camping stove with a vice grips as a handle and was somewhat awkward so I added a pouring lip to an old soup ladle that I now use for paint and polyester resin.

Mold for lead ballast T1_zps86a36839

About 3/4 poured.

Mold for lead ballast T2_zps12f37680

Separated to assist cooling.

Mold for lead ballast T3_zpsf3644dda

Back together ready for next casting not as much scorching as I expected
Also showing the product of the first cast.

 Mold for lead ballast T4_zpsb3726159

The second cast went well with all slots filled things went haywire when I tried to tap the buttons from the mold I assume the heat destroyed the resins holding the wood together it split down the middle and ended in 5 pieces all is no lost I have 55 weights of various sizes.

Mold for lead ballast T6_zpscd7ac7ad

This pic shows the approximate weight and sizes of the weights all up I managed to get 55 buttons in 5 sizes with an all up weight of 2.o45kg.

Mold for lead ballast T7_zpsaa8977f5

The lesson learned from this I believe to be larger gaps between holes on the mold & it should last longer.

Last edited by Damien on Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptySat Jul 19, 2014 3:52 pm

that's interesting as I wouldn't have expected that especially as the stuff would be contracting when cooling , not expanding??
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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 1:08 am

Even cold they need to be tapped out that's when it fell apart, today I'll try casting some more in what's left of the mold.
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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptySun Jul 20, 2014 9:57 am

Success 5 more casts made before the mold fell apart all up I cast 3.9kg of buttons and used all the 2lt tub of wheel weights that were lead I through out most of the Nickel and Steel ones found a few in the slag when finished.
I also re-cast the lead strips I'd done in the past.

Mold for lead ballast M2_zps063d1950

As the casting progressed the wood scorched more and more.

Mold for lead ballast M3_zpse1a68ebf

Until the wood fibers couldn't take the heat any longer  and fell apart along the darker lines in the grain.

Mold for lead ballast M1_zps53716b87

The base board started flat and bowed upward at the edges more with each casting seen upside down with a square on it.

Mold for lead ballast M4_zps6fc81a01

And finally the leftover slag along with some wheel weight that are either Steel or Nickel that wouldn't succumb to the blow torches heat.

 Mold for lead ballast Slag_zpsc150cc02
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Mold for lead ballast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mold for lead ballast   Mold for lead ballast EmptyMon Jul 21, 2014 7:54 am

I found some lead  I'd forgotten while ballasting in the bathroom so I retrieved the mold bits from the waste bin and got 2 more castings from them albeit with a lot of the buttons joined together half an hour with a wire cutter fixed  them all.
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Mold for lead ballast
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