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 M Class Monitor Refit

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Posts : 271
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

M Class Monitor Refit Empty
PostSubject: M Class Monitor Refit   M Class Monitor Refit EmptyMon May 19, 2014 8:33 pm

After much appreciated help from the more 'wood informed' members here I have started to refit my M Class Monitor.  I didn't build this but acquired it a while ago as a built model and very nicely built too, but the hull was in a bit of a state and leaked all over (and known about before I acquired it so not a surprise) and I knew it required a significant amount of work on the hull and also the decking.

First task was to remove the remaining card board plating which had been half done then a tub test.  The tub test revealed more big leaks than you'd get at a Durham Miners Working Men's Club Vegetable show.  Water was everywhere. Hence my forum question.  So yesterday was spend sealing the outside with filler then using Fasglas resin on the inside following the tips, after removing the motor and mount and ESC of course.  A quick test this morning and I am down to one leak - not a huge one but steady nevertheless. On checking I can identify where this leak is exactly (missed a bit near a bulkhead blind spot). Before using more resin I decided to give the hull a good sand to smooth out the filler and then continuing to end up with fine sanding to get a nice clean smooth finish.  After this I have given a further resin coat inside and tomorrow I will refloat her to hopefully find no more leaks!

After the resin was left to dry and cure I have worked on the quarter deck as a large piece was missing when it came to me and other parts were lifting.  This has been replaced using 1.5mm plastic card and if time permits tomorrow - time and SWMBO - I will rebuild the round raised platform the after 2 pounder sits on.    

A few pics of work done and to do         

M Class Monitor Refit P1020310

M Class Monitor Refit P1020311

M Class Monitor Refit P1020313

M Class Monitor Refit P1020315
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M Class Monitor Refit Empty
PostSubject: Re: M Class Monitor Refit   M Class Monitor Refit EmptyMon May 19, 2014 11:44 pm

A chap once told me all good things take effort this will be a beauty when your done looking good so far.  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup  2thumbsup
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Posts : 271
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 68
Location : Bristol, West country

M Class Monitor Refit Empty
PostSubject: Re: M Class Monitor Refit   M Class Monitor Refit EmptyThu May 22, 2014 9:17 am

Well after isolating the final leak (where the rudder skeg joins the hull) I used a bit more resin, and a bit more to be on the safe side, and a bit of filler on the outside and a bit more filler on the outside and tested.  Bingo - bone dry.  Rubbed the excess off externally and tested again.  Still no leaks so I'm assured that there is water tight integrity. 

I have made the raised platform that the 12 pounder sits on and will paint this today and put a pic up later.  Hope to make a start on the hull painting over the weekend.
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