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 Pipe laying paddle barge.

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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2014 11:59 am

After posting previously asking about barge plans I found this tractor crane and instantly thought this is my next build.

 Pipe laying paddle barge. Bplancrane_zpse11dcd65

While stuck in the house out of the heat this past week I started on a plan of a modern day paddle barge prototype, it's quite big at 73.3cm x 33cm x 9cm high

Bow with paddle thruster steering.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Bplan_zps825724b9

Hull layout from bow pencil line a bit light but you'll get the idea.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Bplan3_zps4c3833d1

The stern half of the plan the rear drive wheels will be inside the width of the hull.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Bplan6_zps4086fc25

The side elevation gives a general idea of the layout 2 bridge assemblies one above each stern paddle with the crane able to pivot between them in the pic the crane is sitting in the position it will be in on the finished model.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Bplancraneplan_zps827a23af

This pic' shows the stern view in progress.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Bplan4_zps4f3878aa

The load will be 16 lengths of 32mm x 300mm PVC pipe the crane  is an RC model and I'll disable the track drive and clamp it to the deck.
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2014 9:53 pm

good one Damien...look forward to seeing this one. neil
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2014 10:04 pm

Thanks Neil cool day 26c after a 39.7c yesterday out to the shed for me.
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptySun Feb 02, 2014 11:50 am

View of plan from stern.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Stern_zps71b3d725
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyMon Feb 03, 2014 12:43 pm

And the bow view showing position of the paddle thruster position I've drawn it this size to keep the wheel spindle above the waterline.

 Pipe laying paddle barge. Bow_zpsb14c47ba

Any suggestions or things I may be doing wrong on feel free to comment.
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 9:42 am

Had a thought today yeah shock horror how ever the thought was perhaps a bow thruster would be an easier option than a paddle thruster although a fair bit more expensive.
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 12:47 pm

I didn't understand what you were wanting to achieve when I first looked at this, Damien, but I now think that a paddle thruster would have to have angled paddles to achieve any sidewards thrust unless it was made like an azipod where the whole thing rotates on gears 360*

you are very ingenuitive though and am sure you could get one to would have much more power than a propeller thruster if you did.
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyWed Feb 05, 2014 2:09 am

I'm trying to achieve bow steering with the paddle I think it would provide more power than a conventional thruster.

Neil please explain what you mean by angled blades?

I'm assuming a close fit of wheel to hull is needed for best results.
It might be best to make a dummy bow section to test it.

Easy to see I'm going stir crazy in our heat wave.
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptyFri Feb 07, 2014 10:47 am

Don't worry I've changed the plan to 2 quite long rudders on the transom.
And added 2 heavy ramps for the crane to alight for servicing & repair.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Rudders_zps225bbc51

and the ramps.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Ramps_zps9a83b236
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Pipe laying paddle barge. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pipe laying paddle barge.   Pipe laying paddle barge. EmptySun Feb 09, 2014 12:55 am

2 pic's of rudder placement.

Pipe laying paddle barge. Rudders3_zps411c9a4c

Pipe laying paddle barge. Rudders2_zps777103ea
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Pipe laying paddle barge.
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