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 Shipping on the Rhine & Danube

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Shipping on the Rhine & Danube Empty
PostSubject: Shipping on the Rhine & Danube   Shipping on the Rhine & Danube EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 9:53 am

On my recent cruise from Cologne to Budapest I spotted a few vessels of interest. Anyone for a Schottel drive?
Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000912 Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000910 

Two different raised wheelhouses. On the Rhine, most shipping was motorised barges pushing non-motorised. Many more pusher tugs on the Danube.
Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000913 Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000914

Three old Rhine tugs
Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000915 Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000916Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1000917

Finally a large paddle tug, now a museum on the Danube at Regensburg. Note the size of the rudder!
Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1010010 Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1010110

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Shipping on the Rhine & Danube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipping on the Rhine & Danube   Shipping on the Rhine & Danube EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 12:06 pm

Great pic's Barrie 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup 2thumbsup Thumbup
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Shipping on the Rhine & Danube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipping on the Rhine & Danube   Shipping on the Rhine & Danube EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 12:33 pm

hi barrie

can you recommend these rhine holiday cruises. I have been thinking of trying one for some time, but I get the impression they look really cramped  compared to the big liners or is it deceiving.

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Captain (moderator)
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Shipping on the Rhine & Danube Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipping on the Rhine & Danube   Shipping on the Rhine & Danube EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 1:38 pm


It depends on the company!! I can recommend the Serenade 2 operated by Riviera Travel. Cabins are 16 sq m and the bathrooms have both bath and full shower cubicle. We have just been on Lord Byron, again operated by Riviera, but cabins are 1 sq m less. Still quite adequate and comparable to ocean cruisers - at least the ones we like Very Happy All have double beds - or split into twins. NOT bunks. We have been on other boats with tiny cabins - the Lady Ann and Rembrandt are two with small cabins.

I would suggest a Rhine cruise first. The attraction of the one we've just done is cruising across the Main but not too many places of interest, and on the Main and upper Danube the bridges are low (and locks narrow) so the sun deck is out of use. If you find you enjoy it, then this is a great cruise.

Shipping on the Rhine & Danube P1010011

This is the forward sundeck on Lord Byron - it really is so low.

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