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 Chasewater MBC Sailing Regatta 2013.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-07-31

Chasewater MBC Sailing Regatta 2013. Empty
PostSubject: Chasewater MBC Sailing Regatta 2013.   Chasewater MBC Sailing Regatta 2013. EmptyWed Jul 31, 2013 7:08 pm

Chasewater MBC would like to invite all model boat clubs to attend their Sailing regatta on Saturday 7th September,
This will take place on part of the main Chasewater main lake by kind permission of Chase watersports centre, where we have a section of lake  set aside for our model boats.
Café, bar and toilets within a short walk [1 min] of sailing area. parking and gazebo setup area.

please contact Steve Gregory, club secretary for further details and to register your clubs interest [if we have not contacted you already].

please email
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Chasewater MBC Sailing Regatta 2013.
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