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 Help with running 2x ESC's

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Help with running 2x ESC's Empty
PostSubject: Help with running 2x ESC's   Help with running 2x ESC's EmptyMon Jan 07, 2013 2:52 am

I looking a buying these

I asked the seller if 2 could be used on one Rx and if so how do I disable the BEC in one if them. The reply was simply Yes so I'm none the wiser can anyone help please?

Cheers Damien.
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Help with running 2x ESC's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with running 2x ESC's   Help with running 2x ESC's EmptyMon Jan 07, 2013 7:16 am


To disable the BEC all you have to do is remove the middle wire (red or brown usually) from the lead from the ESC to the RX on one of the ESCs. You can cut it, or it is possible to lift the catch in the plug and pull the wire out. This means you can always reverse it it you need to later. There used to be instructions for this on the Action web site - not sure if they are still there. Another dodge is to take a short servo extension lead and cut the middle wire on that.


PS Are you sure they have a BEC - its not mentioned in the ad. These from Hobby king do and seem reasonably priced
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Help with running 2x ESC's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with running 2x ESC's   Help with running 2x ESC's EmptyMon Jan 07, 2013 8:19 am

Hi Barrie,
I've had trouble with Hobby king.
The ones I'm looking at have the bec spec's 5v 1A
Thanks for your help.
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Help with running 2x ESC's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with running 2x ESC's   Help with running 2x ESC's EmptyFri Jan 11, 2013 1:35 pm

I profess to know absolutely Zilch about electronics and electrics in my boats, Damien, but when speeking to the owner of Electronize some time ago about speed controllers with /without BEC, he put the scenario to me of the esc blowing it's fuse if weed got round the prop and stopped working, I would then have no power to the other should it not have I am not one for mixer boards and such things, trying to keep things as simple as can be, I have always opted for both my ESC's having BEC conected so that I have power to at least one motor.

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Help with running 2x ESC's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with running 2x ESC's   Help with running 2x ESC's EmptySat Jan 12, 2013 3:28 am

That sounds feasible I was wondering if 2 BEC providing 5v from separate batteries would cause hassles I guess they'd just be in parallel or perhaps power both ESC's from one battery pack the motors only draw 165mA ea under load in my Sub chaser.

Fuse something used in cars lol! lol! Have never used them in a boat. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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