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 Simple Radar Moter.

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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

Posts : 399
Join date : 2021-08-07
Age : 67
Location : Southampton. U.K

Simple Radar Moter. Empty
PostSubject: Simple Radar Moter.   Simple Radar Moter. EmptyFri Sep 02, 2022 2:21 pm

Hi Guys,

This is a simple servo conversion to 360 Degree rotation.
can easily be used for Radar and winches.

I have tried to explain this as simple as i can to make it easer for the novice.

This conversion uses a small 9g servo that I converted for the Radar in my model 'MOJO'.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2741

Remove the sticky labels.

Undo the four screws and pull off the bottom casing.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2742

Lift off the top cover to revel the gear cluster.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2743

Carefully lift off the top three gear cogs (remember how they are fitted or photograph them to help the reassembly)

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2744

Pull out the small PCB to revel the potentiometer.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2745

Carefully separates the three gear cogs (again remembering there position)

Cut off the small tab on the main gear shaft flush with the bottom of the gear cog.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2746

Cut off the bottom flat section of the main plastic shaft.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2747

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2748

Re-assemble and fit the three gear.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2749

Put the top casing on.

Power up the servo and adjust the potentiometer with a small screwdriver so that you have the required speed and direction you want your radar to turn.

If you are going to use it for a winch adjust the pot to the neutral position.
That way you have rotation in both directions.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2750

When you are completely happy with the speed of rotation you can apply a small drop of CA glue to the potentiometer to stop it moving if you wish.

Push the small PCB back in.

Fit the bottom casing back on making sure the cable cutout lines up with the cable.

Simple Radar Moter. Img_2751

I hope this will help you guys but remember not all servos are the same inside.


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Lost But Never Forgotten R.I.P

Posts : 399
Join date : 2021-08-07
Age : 67
Location : Southampton. U.K

Simple Radar Moter. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple Radar Moter.   Simple Radar Moter. EmptyFri Sep 02, 2022 6:05 pm

Hi Guys,
Sorry for the spelling in the title.
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Simple Radar Moter.
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