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 A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum

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Dave f
Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 2
Join date : 2022-07-27

A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum Empty
PostSubject: A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum   A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum EmptyWed Jul 27, 2022 8:44 pm

Hi, after a 32 year absence from radio control boating, I’ve recently restarted my interest in the hobby as I am recently retired, I am a member of the Great Yarmouth model boat club, sailing on the beautiful old Venetian waterways, I have a strange question that perhaps a member may be able to help me with. I have an issue with my tug (smit Rotterdam) it has been working well except for the two motored that run it were under powered, so I’ve fitted it with two 500s, when trying it out in my hot tub when I push the control lever forward it goes forward, when I press the level down for reverse it goes FORWARD but the motors both go in reverse as obviously do the propellers, I am stumped by this, could it be that because I have taken the 3.6kilos of ballast out or is it a unexplainable weird phenomenon. Please help if you can, and sorry for the book I’ve just written 😂 
Dave f

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A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum   A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum EmptySun Jul 31, 2022 8:05 pm

Hello Dave you've joined during a bit of a fallow time when things are quiet you'll get some help when the more technically minded get back from holiday  etc.
Stick with us it's a friendly place just a bit quiet at times.

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Dave f
Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Join date : 2022-07-27

A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum   A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum EmptySun Jul 31, 2022 8:13 pm

Thank you for your reply
I have since solved the problem with my tug, for several hours of frustration trying to find out what was happening i finally twigged it, and because of the twin screw drive I never thought about that the propellers fitted were left and right pitched therefore I needed to reverse the wiring to correct it, and since it’s working excellently.
David f

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A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum   A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum EmptySun Jul 31, 2022 8:43 pm

To be honest having a quiet think and a safe fiddle with things is more beneficial sometimes post some pictures though it's nice to see more boats.

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Captain (moderator)
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A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum   A reborn rc boater & a new boy to this forum EmptySat Aug 06, 2022 2:52 pm

Hi Dave and welcome to the Forum. I've been on holiday for almost three weeks so was unable to welcome you and respond to your question.
I'm pleased you sorted it out. I find that way you learn something - and it sticks Rolling Eyes


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