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 santa ana stern wheeler

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santa ana stern wheeler Empty
PostSubject: santa ana stern wheeler   santa ana stern wheeler EmptySun May 01, 2022 2:28 pm

hi all, 
this is a model i started in 2019 then due to health problems put it to one side. now in the past month i have got back to the garage and started on it again.
this is a plan from model boats magazine august 1989. 

i have made this from all card which my wife claimed out of the office clear out where she worked some years ago.  i have just used it like ply wood is made for layer on layer. the cabin i have used thin plasticard same with paddle wheel.

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0110

this is the magazine 

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0111

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0112

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0113

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0114

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0115

thats what i have started on i will post as and when, as at this time i am making the stern wheel which is about 3 inches diameter very fiddley


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santa ana stern wheeler Empty
PostSubject: Re: santa ana stern wheeler   santa ana stern wheeler EmptySun May 01, 2022 2:59 pm

I love sternwheelers , Vigo's builds have got me interested in them.
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santa ana stern wheeler Empty
PostSubject: Re: santa ana stern wheeler   santa ana stern wheeler EmptySun May 01, 2022 4:06 pm

Hi David - good to see you are building again.

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santa ana stern wheeler Empty
PostSubject: Re: santa ana stern wheeler   santa ana stern wheeler EmptyMon May 09, 2022 5:18 pm

this is how i started the build using card 1/8 th thick, i cut out  the hull base and bows from templates. the glue i have used for this is P.V.A. GLUE

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0116

the  hull at the top and deck i cut from card thats been lamanated with 6 pieces on hull 4 for the deck from  card  glued together 

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0117

you can now see the laminations of card below

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0118

bow now glued on using P.V.A. glue

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0119

santa ana stern wheeler Dscf0120


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PostSubject: Re: santa ana stern wheeler   santa ana stern wheeler Empty

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