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 Forget the last new one, this is the new one

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Age : 63
Location : Derbyshire UK

Forget the last new one, this is the new one Empty
PostSubject: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptyThu Apr 07, 2022 11:38 am

Unfortunately it's almost finished.

As usual, I seem to get carried away with doing stuff and completely forget about taking pictures. This is about 3 weeks in.

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220407-1

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220407-2

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220407-3]

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220407-4

As usual again, all scratch made using the laser. About £60 in materials.

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Forget the last new one, this is the new one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptyThu Apr 07, 2022 9:14 pm

That's a beaut! 3 weeks! I can't put an Airfix 1/72nd aircraft together that quick.
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Fred 1948
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Fred 1948

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Forget the last new one, this is the new one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 9:12 am

Boy you did that in three weeks, it take me three week or more just looking at the plans.
That is a great job, looking forward to seeing photos of her on the water.

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Forget the last new one, this is the new one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptyFri Apr 15, 2022 9:23 am

Are you in a club Vigo?
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Forget the last new one, this is the new one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptyFri Apr 15, 2022 11:12 am

No I'm not in a club. There don't seem to be any around here. There is one I found locally but if it aint got sails it aint a proper boat so they can do one. I think being in a club wouldn't work for me anyway. I'm very much an individualist and I work a very strange shift pattern so I can't commit to anything. 

I'm having difficulty finding suitable water around here too, that isn't either a nature reserve or a fishing area so the prospect of actual sailing is proving somewhat difficult. Is it any wonder I build potential shelf queens?
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PostSubject: Re: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptySat Apr 16, 2022 10:38 am

'Floating dolls house' is a term I've heard for power boats to which I tend to think ' sex and travel' clubs need individualism I'd join and build a really quirky sail boat and stick a motor in it Very Happy
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Forget the last new one, this is the new one Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forget the last new one, this is the new one   Forget the last new one, this is the new one EmptyThu Jul 07, 2022 10:33 am

So after what seems like weeks of procrastination, the Sugar Magnolia is actually finished. It's not actually got it's bum wet in anger yet but it performed exceptionally well in the sink test.

I set myself a deadline to finish it of when the wife's away in Madrid and I can use her car transport it to it's new home because it won't fit in my little 2 seater.

Anyway. Enjoy.

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Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220707-2

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220707-3

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220707-4

Forget the last new one, this is the new one 20220707-5

Maybe I should set a deadline for some of the other half dozen or so that still aren't finished Rolling Eyes

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