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 Lobster Boat

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3 posters
Captain (moderator)
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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyThu Sep 30, 2021 4:20 pm

Lobster Boat Img_2183

This may become my next project. These are the plans for a Boothbay Lobster Boat from a well known, but discontinued kit. Unusually for a plan from a kit, they include details of the bulkheads and other parts. The original was 30 inches long - I want to build at 18 inches approx.  
Peter (redpmg) sent me a PDF of the plans which I have had reduced (after a few tries) to give me the size I want.
I say it may become my project, because I still need to be sure that I can extract the bulkhead and keel details, and any other key components from the plans. The original was largely constructed from Balsa I think, so I also need to consider the appropriate Liteply etc thicknesses to use.

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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyThu Sep 30, 2021 8:48 pm

Same basic hull design as my shark boat which is based on a lobster boat hull enjoy it Barrie with hindsight I'd use more lite ply than balsa.
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyFri Oct 01, 2021 12:56 pm

Hi Barrie - when redrawing the Tour Master built the same way (same designer - Ted Stinson) used a deeper keel and Les Rowells idea of doublers between each former - that build worked far better for me. There is also a build blog on Mayhem - plus a refurbishment of a really well built version - some great pictures on there .

Between the instructions & plan there should be more than enough detail of all components with the exception of the planking which should be easy enough to create using old cereal boxes,  - the lobster traps are not shown on the plan itself but are easily made. The smaller version sent uses a different type - details are all included somewhere in the plan or instructions

I would agree with using liteply frames & keel - but balsa planking with a coat of either type of resin even without GF is fairly tough . There are many other other alternatives available there in the UK - roofing membrane , nappy liners, the material used to strengthen dresses, tissue & dope etc etc - plus you can obtain the water based epoxy resin (which is no longer available here Crying or Very sad !)

Apologies if Im teaching grandmother.
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Captain (moderator)
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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyFri Oct 01, 2021 1:02 pm

Hi Peter - I HATE balsa so will only be using where I can't avoid it lol! I'm thinking of 0.4 mm ply for the skins. Its expensive, but will probably mean I don't need the balsa blocks at the bow. Still trying to work out what I've got and what I need to buy. I sold 3 boats recently so do have some funds available 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup lol!

One of those sold was a Tour Master.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyFri Oct 01, 2021 1:18 pm

Funnily enough Barrie - I have just sold my Tour Master kit - made another from 3mm ply (only WBP) - sold that on a few years ago .

I quite like balsa - also use liteply and very occasionally some old aircraft type in various thicknesses - but have an advantage as mostly cut on the laser we have for commercial purposes - also tend to build small boats - finishing 7", 10", & 14" versions of a Cabin Cruiser with outboard - smaller ones being driven via inboard with dummy outboard for rudder and the larger one by a old Japanese made plastic outboard updated with slotcar gears & new 300 motor. For an article/plan to be submitted to MB magazine (only the larger version) - hope that will help with a chronic shortage of modelling funds...........

Looking forward to your build
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Captain (moderator)
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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyWed Oct 13, 2021 6:19 pm

After a lot of thought I have decided to postpone this build. I am not sure I am quite up to a scratch build of this type. The hull is not built in a traditional manner. Instead I have bought another Billings kit - see my new post.
I do hope to return to this if I get back some confidence.
If anyone would like the plans - either original size, or my reduced size, please contact me via PM.

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Captain (moderator)
Captain (moderator)

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Lobster Boat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lobster Boat   Lobster Boat EmptyThu Jan 13, 2022 6:24 pm

As you will see, I have bought a kit of a French Trawler/Lobster boat as my next project.

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