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 US ST tugs of WW2

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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyThu Sep 24, 2020 6:51 am

Hi all, with the approval of admin here is a link to my current builds should anyone be interested. I will carry on with my builds on this forum, would take too long to start the thread again on here.
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyFri Sep 25, 2020 6:32 pm

I painted the shutter's black on the signalling lamps and fixed in position.

US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2018
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2017
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2016

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Captain (moderator)
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySat Sep 26, 2020 3:08 pm

Looking good. Seeing the detail you've included, I can see why its taken so long to get to this stage - how much longer?

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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySat Sep 26, 2020 4:12 pm

Thanks Barrie, I am not the fastest builder but try to get things right and can only fit in when time allows! I would like to think that I would finish them this year, if not early 2021 for sure  Very Happy
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Davits in position   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyWed Sep 30, 2020 5:33 pm

I made the davits a couple of months ago, there were several types used, I decided to go with this design. They are fixed in position and will hopefully look the part, just need to touch up the paint at some point. I need to make the lifeboat covers too.
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2029
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2027
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2028
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyFri Oct 02, 2020 6:58 pm

Lovely level of detail, I really like the bridge interior.
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyTue Oct 06, 2020 9:03 pm

Thank you Swab, i'm waiting on some material to add to wheelhouse floor and then I can fix parts inside. Started to get the wiring ready for the lights and painted the inside of the doors that will stay open. Need to find material to cover lifeboats and start to think about the machine guns next.

US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2032
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2030
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2031
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: wheelhouse   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySun Oct 11, 2020 2:36 pm

Today I managed to make the duckboards for the wheelhouse and add wheel and binnacle. Both of these builds have a removable upper wheelhouse roof so I can add more detail at a later date should I wish to do so.

US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2035
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2034
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2033
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySun Oct 11, 2020 9:35 pm

That looks good in there.👍
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Lifebelts   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySun Oct 18, 2020 5:34 pm

Thanks Swab. I decided that the plastic rope through the lifebelts didn't look very natural so I drilled holes and added my own rope to hopefully look better. US ST tugs of WW2 Img-2010
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2037
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2036
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Liferafts and lifebelts   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySun Oct 18, 2020 5:43 pm

Many St tugs carried their liferafts on the side of the funnel, so I have placed them there but need to see through grainy pics just how they were attached, these were a bought item so saved me time to make them, two lifebelts have been added to each and two more need to be added past the lifeboat attached to hand rail, this will be next time.
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2039
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2040
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2038
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Captain (moderator)
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptySun Oct 18, 2020 6:31 pm

Very Nice Frank. I built a previous US Army Tug - much more conventional shape this one.

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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Cruciform bollards   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyMon Nov 09, 2020 5:32 pm

To each lifeboat there would be two cruciform bollards, ST488 still has one in place. I could not find anything in the scale I wanted so had to make my own from plastic tube, i'm pleased with the results.

US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2042
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2041
US ST tugs of WW2 12339510
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyMon Nov 09, 2020 5:35 pm

Roughly in place!

US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2043
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyMon Nov 09, 2020 6:40 pm

Very Good Frank. It is satisfying to build your own.

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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyMon Nov 09, 2020 7:01 pm

Thanks Barrie, I am happy with them, did take some time though!
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Frank Bullitt
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US ST tugs of WW2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: US ST tugs of WW2   US ST tugs of WW2 EmptyMon Nov 09, 2020 8:00 pm

Painted the fire hose racks and made fittings, fitted port and starboard, fitted horn, painted bells brass.

US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2044
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2045
US ST tugs of WW2 Img_2046
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