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 Newb from Manchester.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. EmptyFri Jul 24, 2020 10:35 pm

Hi all,

Newb from Manchester here.

I've currently got an FT009 that im in the process of converting to brushless with some ft012 parts that im waiting to arrive.

However I'll soon be in the market for a more professional level boat that I can maybe do some club racing with.

Im not a total RC newb, I used to race brushless cars a few years ago.
Boats are a bit of a different animal though and seem to be using water cooled ESC's and Outrunners. (However im putting fan cooled ESC and Inrunner motor in my ft009)

Can someone advise what sort of money, size and decent brand I should start with that can be competitive if I decide to go racing. I have 2.4 radio gear so can I buy a boat only without radio gear etc? What sort of racing classes are available and where should I start?

Lots of questions guys I know but I'm just not sure where to start.

Thanks in advance.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. EmptySat Jul 25, 2020 9:07 am

Competition racing is a whole other bag of cats.....

There is club racing which is usually limited to the club you join and their class of boat they use if any... not to long ago a lot of my local clubs were racing the “club 500”  ( its a fun bumper car type boat just for giggles) and a mix of the “wee nip” and “1 meter” class sailing boats....

Generally most clubs do not race like rc car clubs to a competition standard ... some do. Depends on your location... most competition racing is a solo activity that you travel around the country to different events to take part in the class you wish to race...

Current classes.....

Offshore power boat ( ic engines 4 stroke to zenos)

Mono 1 

Mono 2


Hydro Multihull ( eg the “miss gecko” google that)

Hydro straight runners (drag boats)

When I raced it was mono 1 being the most popular and it still is today, small boat with a lot of beef... boats easily doing 60-80mph. But those I had to travel about for.

As a suggestion check out the class you wish to play with and have a look about what’s local that you can have a go with...

I will not lie.... competition racing is not cheap a good standard boat will come in at -£500+ on mono 1 and that’s b4 you crash it first time out.... most racers have a spare boat! ( I had 3 at any one time simply due to if I was travelling 3-400 miles for an event I didn’t want to crash out on the first stage with no replacement!)...

Multi hulls are also very popular but they prices start at £400 for a basic “toy” expect to double that cost for a racer ...

And off shore power boats are probably by far the most popular with massive events for these guys, a boat suitable for racing £1500 easily thrown to the sea, especially if you go Zeno sizes!

Those are the most basic areas of racing within the boating area... there are a lot more of your into sailing... 1meter, Thames barges etc...

Just a heads up.. unlike a car after a bad smash you can go pick that mess up and repair... odds are on a very bad smash with a boat ( especially a sea wall... believe me that can make a man cry) odds are it will be unretreviable  if it sinks! Good luck!

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. EmptySat Jul 25, 2020 10:38 am

Thanks for the reply.

Judging by the potential costs maybe racing is out of the question.

If I wanted a decent brushless boat around the £300 mark just for having some fun with and maybe joining a club (not to race)
What would you recommend?

I've read about Proboat and Atomic Barbwire XL2 being good and of reasonable size.

Are they good quality?

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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. EmptySat Jul 25, 2020 12:32 pm

Welcome to the Forum. I know nothing about fast electric and racing, BUT I do know about model boat clubs and the restrictions we face in using our lakes etc. Before spending your £300 I would suggest you research the places you may be allowed to sail Rolling Eyes

I know the North West is better provided with Model Boat Clubs than the area I now live in, but it would still be wise to check. Another source could be Prestwich Models, if they are still going, not only will they be able to advise you about clubs and waters in your area, but also about the sort of models which interest you.

I hope this helps you - we need all the model boaters we can get 2thumbsup

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. EmptySat Jul 25, 2020 1:06 pm

Surprisingly a lot of cubs don’t tend to “race“... And where I was with my old clubs ic engines were outright banned..

You find a lot of clubs are open to “fast boats” but tend to frown on fast electrics simply due to the high risk damage you can umcause to other members models with accidents. Not all clubs are like that many welcome new members but would rather you have a “controllable” model rather than a bullet.

Maybe that’s just me... and getting old.... but your £300 would maybe be better spent on a decent model kit, something to work and build during the winter months, you will find a lot of clubs slow their meetings on the rather cold and wet days... this hobby In general tends to be more Workshop orientated than sail days... also absolute fact you’ll get more enjoyment from this side of the hobby if you built and sailed a boat rather than shop brought toys, you’ll Also get a better build quality for your money than some chinese junk with an over powered motor that’s likely to burn out within a few uses! Believe me we have all seen this here!

Don’t let that discourage you, I started with cars and raced the station trucks and buggies for years, moving to boats I was much the same I wanted to go fast... and I did and at quite a cost I was not expecting, but things were cheaper then, less kids, fuel costs went so bad to do a 600 mile round trip on events... I wouldn’t even waste my time today looking unless inland revenue refunds me my life’s tax! 

There is a lot to this hobby and from experience moving from fast to slow I find I get way more from the hobby as a whole than I ever did racing a car about, as a suggestion if your on a budget then coincided trying a small kit, you an find many for under £100 easy to build with minimal tools and experience, some are even racing type boats!

Maybe something like this would suit you....

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That’s been on my want list for a while but until I clear some of my back log I’ve been forbidden to buy more kits 😀

Good luck! Let us know how you get on

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. EmptySun Jul 26, 2020 3:18 am

Thanks for all the advice guys.

I think my nearest club is Trafford model boat club.

Plenty for me to think about there. Much appreciated.
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Newb from Manchester. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newb from Manchester.   Newb from Manchester. Empty

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