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 Power Line switch

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Location : Chelmsford, Essex

Power Line switch Empty
PostSubject: Power Line switch   Power Line switch EmptySun Jun 07, 2020 2:25 pm

I am new to the hobby and in the process of building a Sea Urchin.
I have been researching the electrical set up and note that I require a fuse and a switch in the power line between the battery and the ESC. The ESC has a BEC so no need for a further switch between it and the receiver. I have established that the power switch should have the current carrying capacity for the maximum amp draw of the motor. Although I don’t expect to use the switch at a time when there is any significant current flow, it’s the current carrying capacity of the switch that concerns me. A toggle switch rated for DC with a current carrying capacity of in excess of 11 amps (as is the case for me) will be physically too big to incorporate into the model. So I have considered some options:
·         Use the in line blade fuse instead of a switch
·         Use a toggle switch not rated for the max current draw of the motor
·         Use something called a ‘P106 in line power switch’ available from the Component-Shop – an electronic switch rather than a mechanical one
I have trawled through the forum to see if this has been a question that has arisen before. All I can see is that there is a general acceptance that a power line switch is necessary but no query similar to mine. I suspect experienced members don’t need to ask! Smile
Any views, advice, guidance would be most welcome.
Thanks, John
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Captain (moderator)
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Power Line switch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Line switch   Power Line switch EmptySun Jun 07, 2020 5:29 pm


You are correct that suitable switches are rather large! However you are also correct that you will probably not be switching the maximum current. I now rarely build models with more than 5 amp max current, but have in the past used switches rated below the max load. One trick is to use a double pole switch and link both poles together. It is also quite possible to use a blade fuse as switch. I've also been known to omit the switch altogether and just unplug the battery  lol! lol!

A current draw of 11 amps seems a little excessive for a Sea Urchin - what motor are you using?

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 5
Join date : 2019-12-23
Age : 65
Location : Chelmsford, Essex

Power Line switch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Line switch   Power Line switch EmptySun Jun 07, 2020 7:32 pm

Hi Barrie,

The motor I propose is an Overlander 2822/27 – 1200 KV 85 W 0.5 idle current and 11 max amp draw.
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