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 Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964.

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Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964. Empty
PostSubject: Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964.   Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964. EmptyTue Dec 10, 2019 9:41 am

If anyone has a decent copy of this December 1964 magazine they would like to sell - please contact me.

The magazine had a free set of plans inside for the Vic Smeed 30" steering boat design called Remora.  

I built this model at the time but had to part with it  when we moved up north from North Devon in 1986 (along with a lot of other modelling items that took up too much space in the removals van!) and I still miss it - so I am building another one and would love to have an original magazine and plan to refer to and to keep alongside the model.

This Remora  will not be parted with !
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964.   Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964. EmptyTue Dec 10, 2019 10:10 am

1964 it a bit behind my time in the boating world, that said you may get lucky with some of the more seasoned members here...

That said

We used to have the MMB/MMI magazine website which could provide you wi thy back orders and plans until more recently...

Sadly that site is also gone... good news ( somewhat) a lot of the plans can be found from

Just have a search through the boat plans available ( it’s pretty much everything the old site had)

If that sites no good... try here... this one prob requires a phone call to the publisher...'s-model-boat-designs/15490

Other options on a quick search... just google the boat plan I got several hits including eBay!

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Model Maker & Model Boats magazine. December 1964.
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