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 My 3D printer

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Posts : 120
Join date : 2014-10-10
Age : 86
Location : Bournemouth, Dorset. UK.

My 3D printer Empty
PostSubject: My 3D printer   My 3D printer EmptyFri Jul 19, 2019 6:26 pm

Just recently after two years wear and tear my printer developed a problem.
It was the SD card slot playing up and not locking in so *!?* "it no workie".
Looking on YouTube I found others who have had a similar problem "various makes" so the slot mechanism over a period of time can for one reason or another become defunct.
The general answer I found was to get inside remove and replace the faulty part.
The process being de-solder three connecting tags and replace the SD card slot. "Simples"
Trying to find a part number for my printer a secret only known to 007 (I thought better not ask he may have had to kill me)
I did try one of the YouTube guys he had no trouble with his make of printer, he went on the American flavour of evilbay and got his in packs of five.

Not wanting to admit defeat I contacted Balco in the USA. 
They informed me that it was not recommended that I attacked it with a soldering iron.  
No information as to a part number available they get them made in China.
It would need to be a replacement mainboard. 
Looking online and that would be £99.99   affraid
Thinking about my recent visit to the forum and comments by helensdad, about recycling his unwanted printers.
I though all is not lost I could upgrade to a newer printer and try my hand at recycling my Balco. 

Two days later I received an email from Balco USA customer service department.
They were sorry to hear I had a problem with my printer and would I give them the model and serial number.

Another two days pass by, I am now asked for my home address, contact number. 
Two more days another email this time to say they would be contacting their UK representatives and arrange for a replacement mainboard (the latest one, with fitting instructions) all free of charge.

The board arrived this morning at 9.30am by 11 O'clock it was installed and printing once again. 
So I am very happy with the Customer service Balco have given me.

Lesson learned first go back to the manufacturer they may be more obliging than you think.  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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My 3D printer Empty
PostSubject: Re: My 3D printer   My 3D printer EmptySat Jul 20, 2019 11:12 pm

that is excellent service, what ever the product, but a 3 d printer...…….absolutely superb.
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Posts : 120
Join date : 2014-10-10
Age : 86
Location : Bournemouth, Dorset. UK.

My 3D printer Empty
PostSubject: Re: My 3D printer   My 3D printer EmptySun Jul 21, 2019 3:12 pm

Yes, it was a surprise to me too.
As modellers, if something goes wrong we tend to follow certain procedures.

First, we look for how much the replacement would be. Followed by, "How Much  Shocked  your  affraid *?* joking" or some similar phrase.

Second, we search online for others having suffered the same problem and rectified it on the cheap.

Third, desperately researching how they actually resolved the problem (sometimes having an Honour's Degree in butchery) is helpful.

Finally, the last port of call which should have been our first option to contact the supplier.

Over the years we have become either the "Don't work" so "bin it". type.
Or the more frugal type "Can I fix it on the cheap" sometimes this will work in our favour but not always as in my case.

I am very pleased with my Aldi 3D Balco printer, I could have gone for a more exotic printer but this one suits my needs.
Happy Bunny.
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