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 Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group

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Graham P
Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-01-29

Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group Empty
PostSubject: Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group   Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group EmptyTue Jan 29, 2019 3:35 pm

Hi, Ive been making r/c boats for a while now. My current project is the CalderCraft 1/48 Milford Star. Started nearly a year ago and still struggling - is it me ???
Stupidly made a bet with my daughter that the Milford would be on the water by Good Friday 2019 lol! Wish me luck - I'm going to need it
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Captain (moderator)
Captain (moderator)

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Join date : 2011-11-26
Age : 83
Location : Thaxted, Essex

Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group   Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group EmptyTue Jan 29, 2019 6:39 pm

Welcome Graham P. We like to see what you're building. If you're stuck we may be able to help with suggestions and ideas. Please post some photos of your build. Its quite easy on this site as we have our own unlimited photo server. You can only upload 3 photos per upload, but can have multiple uploads in a post.

Information on how to do it is here 
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Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group   Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group EmptyTue Jan 29, 2019 7:32 pm

hi graham, welcome to the site and  its great that you are asking for help instead of muddling through..

you've come to the right site, and if I might say, ask away...

I built the review model for model boats or marine modelling [ cant remember which] many moons ago, and still have a copy of it somewhere.....

what problems can you not work out...….

put them on here and we'll see if we can help. 

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Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group   Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group Empty

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Graham P - Hi I'm new to the group
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