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 Hello from France and beyond ...........!

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2 posters
Tiger Steve
Deck Hand
Deck Hand
Tiger Steve

Posts : 3
Join date : 2018-11-01

Hello from France and beyond ...........! Empty
PostSubject: Hello from France and beyond ...........!   Hello from France and beyond ...........! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2018 4:24 pm

Hi all, 
I am Steve, retired and now full time House sitting , looking after people's properties and pets whilst they are away.
been doing this for 5 years now after selling up in the UK and spending the proceeds on travelling wherever the mood takes us ! 
Currently in France for 6 months which is a regular thing for us looking after a farmhouse and 2 gites , then will be in UK for a couple of months before off abroad again .
This allows me plenty of time to enjoy my hobbies of Motorcycling and photography and now getting into model making! I searched the internet for any info on a model yacht I was thinking of building and came up with this site as one of the inmates has already built the same one.....
I am hoping to get into RC one day soon , so this site could be very helpful to me!

Cheers Steve
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Captain (moderator)
Captain (moderator)

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Join date : 2011-11-26
Age : 84
Location : Thaxted, Essex

Hello from France and beyond ...........! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from France and beyond ...........!   Hello from France and beyond ...........! EmptyFri Nov 02, 2018 5:38 pm

Welcome Steve. If you have specific questions don't hesitate to ask them. We are a friendly bunch with lots of experience which we love to share.

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Hello from France and beyond ...........! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from France and beyond ...........!   Hello from France and beyond ...........! EmptySat Nov 03, 2018 12:34 am

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Hello from France and beyond ...........! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from France and beyond ...........!   Hello from France and beyond ...........! EmptySat Nov 03, 2018 6:03 am

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Hello from France and beyond ...........! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello from France and beyond ...........!   Hello from France and beyond ...........! Empty

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Hello from France and beyond ...........!
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