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 Powering my tug

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Powering my tug Empty
PostSubject: Powering my tug   Powering my tug EmptyThu Jun 07, 2018 10:41 pm

Hi there,
I have scratch built my first tug,very excited to get it wet
My problem is that I’ve managed to blow my second esc
I was using a 60a brushless esc and matching motor
The batteries are 12v 7.5mah set up in parallel for longer run time
The tug is 43” long and12.5 at the beam and it weighs in at 18 lb empty
Any ideas on what I can do
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Powering my tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powering my tug   Powering my tug EmptyThu Jun 07, 2018 11:07 pm

Blowing an esc means the motor is drawing more amps than the esc can handle...

What type of brushless motor is it? In runner or out runner?

Also what size prop are you using...?

If your using an inrunner type motor ( they look like a standard brushed 540 motor) then you will blow esc’s regardless as they are high rpm designed for sub surface props or aircraft use with only air resistance and pretty useless in tug boats..

If it’s an inrunner swap out the motor for an outrunner if still wanting to keep brushless, if not you need a big brushed motor like the mobile marine models t12 or a mfa 850-900 with matching 30-40 amp esc.

We need more details but this above should help you a little.

I’ve never added a brushless motor to a model tug and never will for the reason they are heavy models they sit low and generally have large props and a brushless motor will alway and struggle.

Modern is not always the answer.

Anyway get back to us on model details I’ve mentioned and I’ll see what other helpful info I can add.

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Powering my tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powering my tug   Powering my tug EmptyThu Jun 07, 2018 11:15 pm

Oh forgot to add that a brushless outrunner is designed for torque... which is why they work better in boats,
The fact you blow esc’s regardless of what motor it is is simply due to load on the prop which it’s submerged ( on the work bench the motor load is vastly lower as there is no resistance other than shaft friction)

Remember the motor is spinning a large prop and in this case it wouldn’t be hard to imaging your spinning 50-60mm or bigger!

That’s a big prop with a big pitch and that in turn is amping up the draw rate which in turn is blowing your esc’s...

Do not think you can just smack a massive esc in its pace to prevent this in future as the motor will burn out instead and that’s how full fires happen!

Honestly given your batty setup you would be better off buying a brushed motor like mentioned above with a matching brushed esc.. which will also give you reverse!

It’s a pricy fix if you with either the t12 or 800-850 or 900 torpedo but I promise you it’s cheaper than watching your boat sink in flames of glory!

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Powering my tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powering my tug   Powering my tug EmptyThu Jun 07, 2018 11:22 pm

Just noticed they removed the t12 from their range and swapped it for the t24 (same motor but can handle up to 24v) it’s also cheaper then the t12 was a few years ago

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Or the torpedo 850.... half the price but not as good as a t12/24

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Both require a brushed 30amp esc but I’ve always used a 40 as they are same price if using an mtronics esc or you can get an electrolise esc... more epencive again but when I do a boat I tend to only worry about how much it cost me after I built it!

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Powering my tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powering my tug   Powering my tug EmptyFri Jun 08, 2018 12:13 pm

Thanks for the info,wish I had consulted first.
I’m going to see if amazon has anything as I am in Canada and not the U.K
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Powering my tug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powering my tug   Powering my tug EmptyFri Jun 08, 2018 12:27 pm

Good luck Thumbup

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