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 significant news

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significant news Empty
PostSubject: significant news   significant news EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 10:13 pm

Some years ago, the Hull Docks Museum, under the curatorship of a gentleman called Arthur Credland, a most helpful man, who could sort out most plans that a local ship builder Cook Welton and Gemmell had donated to the museum upon their closing business. they were an invaluable scource of plans and information to model builders, and a fraction of the price of the NMM
 at Greenwich.

sadly upon Arthur Credlands retirement some years ago a radicalisation of the museum all the plans and info on the builders ships ranging from tugs lightships coasters through to their 200+ trawlers, all info was just stuffed in bin bags and put in a cellar. when I spoke to someone 10 or so years ago he said that they might be binned...........

however, I heard today from Davie Tait that these have now been saved and are being archived, sorted and will be ready for modellers to buy shortly......


Mountfleet models two large trawlers are designed and build from using their plans, as was this trawler, Red Falcon which I built from the plans soon to be available again, after so many years.

I must say now though........they are BUILDERS drawings, not model makers drawings.

significant news Christ10
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