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 Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary

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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary   Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary EmptyTue Jan 02, 2018 6:26 pm

To all Lifeboat Modellers
I am organising a Lifeboat Model Display for the ANGLE Lifeboat Station, to mark their 150th Anniversary
This will take place over the weekend of 11th and 12th AUGUST at Angle village. Their will be a Marquee in which to exhibit, and if conditions allow, you will be able to sail your models.
There will be camping facilities nearby for those who wish to make a few days break.
 Please get in touch with me via pm on here or Email, if interested, with your requirements.
There are two pubs and a café in the village that apparently do excellent meals.
Exhibitors would be raising funds for the station.
We would like this to be the biggest Model Lifeboat Exhibition, in Wales this year so please come along to help us achieve this
Many Thanks
Mick French      S.W. Area Rep L.B.E.S.
We may, depending on response, be inviting other types of Model Boats to attend
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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary   Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary EmptyThu Jan 04, 2018 9:49 pm

battleshipbuff wrote:
To all Lifeboat Modellers
I am organising a Lifeboat Model Display for the ANGLE Lifeboat Station, to mark their 150th Anniversary
This will take place over the weekend of 11th and 12th AUGUST at Angle village. Their will be a Marquee in which to exhibit, and if conditions allow, you will be able to sail your models.
There will be camping facilities nearby for those who wish to make a few days break.
 Please get in touch with me via pm on here or Email, if interested, with your requirements.
There are two pubs and a café in the village that apparently do excellent meals.
Exhibitors would be raising funds for the station.
We would like this to be the biggest Model Lifeboat Exhibition, in Wales this year so please come along to help us achieve this
Many Thanks
Mick French      S.W. Area Rep L.B.E.S.
We may, depending on response, be inviting other types of Model Boats to attend
 PLEASE NOTE I have been asked to make it clear that anyone who wishes to sail their models it will be in SALT WATER
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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Angle Lifeboat event.   Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary EmptyFri Feb 02, 2018 2:57 pm

battleshipbuff wrote:
To all Lifeboat Modellers
I am organising a Lifeboat Model Display for the ANGLE Lifeboat Station, to mark their 150th Anniversary
This will take place over the weekend of 11th and 12th AUGUST at Angle village. Their will be a Marquee in which to exhibit, and if conditions allow, you will be able to sail your models.
There will be camping facilities nearby for those who wish to make a few days break.
 Please get in touch with me via pm on here or Email, if interested, with your requirements.
There are two pubs and a café in the village that apparently do excellent meals.
Exhibitors would be raising funds for the station.
We would like this to be the biggest Model Lifeboat Exhibition, in Wales this year so please come along to help us achieve this
Many Thanks
Mick French      S.W. Area Rep L.B.E.S.
We may, depending on response, be inviting other types of Model Boats to attend
A quick update on the Angle Lifeboat event.
I have had some very positive replies and confirmation of modellers wishing to attend the event,with exhibitors attending from Devon and Cornwall,Yorkshire and also from a local area club.These will be bringing various types of water craft,which does include lifeboat models.
I am still hoping a lot more will attend,and would like to repeat my request for anyone interested at all to contact me please? There is free camping for those attending,as well as various events throughout the weekend.Weather permitting,we may even offer exhibitors a short trip round the coastline.
Still hoping to see you there!
Mick F
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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: ANGLE UPDATE   Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary EmptyThu Jun 07, 2018 9:48 pm

battleshipbuff wrote:
To all Lifeboat Modellers
I am organising a Lifeboat Model Display for the ANGLE Lifeboat Station, to mark their 150th Anniversary
This will take place over the weekend of 11th and 12th AUGUST at Angle village. Their will be a Marquee in which to exhibit, and if conditions allow, you will be able to sail your models.
There will be camping facilities nearby for those who wish to make a few days break.
 Please get in touch with me via pm on here or Email, if interested, with your requirements.
There are two pubs and a café in the village that apparently do excellent meals.
Exhibitors would be raising funds for the station.
We would like this to be the biggest Model Lifeboat Exhibition, in Wales this year so please come along to help us achieve this
Many Thanks
Mick French      S.W. Area Rep L.B.E.S.
We may, depending on response, be inviting other types of Model Boats to attend
I have been getting a fair response from modellers willing to come along and support this event.But we have room for MORE please!
I have sent out some individual application forms,but thought it may be wise to put it on here also,so here goes!

Historic Lifeboats on parade for Angle RNLI’s Open Day                         
11th & 12th AUGUST 2018    
MODEL LIFEBOATS & MODEL BOATS DISPLAY  Name............................................................................ 
 Club if any …................................................................ 
 inside Marquee or own gazebo   (please select) 
 Tables required      YES/NO    How Many 6 feet x2.6inch tables …......... 
 Total length of Exhibit ….... Feet
 Static Display?Or would you be sometimes on the water 
Camping Req? Motorhome,Caravan,Tent (please select)   
Vehicle registration............................   
Number attending    Adults ….... Children............  
 Days Exhibiting    Saturday/Sunday (please select) 
   Camping and displaying will be at your own risk,the organisers cannot be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever. 
There will be toilets provided and a supply of fresh water.Also a chemical Toilet disposal point. An electrical supply for charging batteries will be available within the marquee 
You may arrive on Wednesday 8th August and Depart on Monday 13th if you wish 
Please fill in this form and return to 
Mick French,20 Park Stenak, Carharrack, Cornwall TR16 5SL 
or e mail to 
Thanks,Look Forward to seeing you,and  a Great Event
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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary   Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary EmptyTue Jul 03, 2018 10:22 am

There is still the opportunity to display and operate your model Lifeboats,and other Lifeboat Models,and support the RNLI also at the Angle Lifeboat Station Pembrokeshire 150th Anniversary 11th and 12th August
I am a little disappointed that I have only had 7 actual confirmations.
Please confirm your attendance
Thanks,Mick French.
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Angle Pembrokeshire R.N.L.I. 150th Anniversary
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