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 Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC

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Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC Empty
PostSubject: Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC   Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC EmptyMon Jun 26, 2017 7:31 pm

Sorry - back again.  

My Viper ESC and my rudder servo both need to be plugged into my Futaba R202GF receiver.  The receiver sockets have a little cut out on one side to take plugs with little flanges on them so they can't be plugged in the wrong way round. But my ESC and servo plugs don't have such flanges.  The ESC instructions say the orange wire (but it is yellow) should "face inwards".  Does that mean be on the side that has the socket numbers B,1 and 2?  And in any case which of these three sockets am I to use for the ESC?  

And finally, if I get it in the wrong way round will I damage anything when I switch on?
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Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC   Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC EmptyMon Jun 26, 2017 8:09 pm

The black/brown wire is the -ve and should be on the outside edge of the receiver, the red wire is the +ve and is in the middle, and the yellow/orange/white wire is the signal line and should be towards the middle of the receiver.

If you plug anything in backwards nothing untoward will happen the servo/esc just will not do anything but sit there.

Can't remember which plug does what as most of the instuctions talk about aircraft so just plug them in and see. Conventionaly the rudder wants to be on the right hand stick moving left to right and the esc plugs in to the left hand stick moving up and down, if they don't then change them over.
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Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC   Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC EmptyTue Jun 27, 2017 11:36 am

You can follow the +/- directions for plug rotation on the reciver.

Another method is that the plugs themselves if they don't have the futaba tab is they all have an angled side edge this is only on one face side set of edges and those angled edges should be plugged in so they face down, ( or face the bottom of the reciver)

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Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC   Plugging in a Viper 15 ESC EmptyTue Jun 27, 2017 11:57 am

Thanks to both of you - just what I needed.
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