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 Setting up electrics

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Setting up electrics Empty
PostSubject: Setting up electrics   Setting up electrics EmptySat May 20, 2017 5:04 pm

Hi there, I am building a new boat which requires 12v electrics to operate the smoke simulator and the motor. This is a new departure for me because until now I have only used a 6v power source.

My rc system is Spektrum ( a survivor from my previous attempts to fly model aircraft- don't ask!), power to the receiver is supplied via the speed controller but I have successfully fritzed two receivers already when connecting my 12v lead acid battery and am lost for a solution because obviously I need 12v to operate the motor and smoker but  clearly rather less to energise the receiver. Anyone got any ideas?
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Captain (moderator)
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Setting up electrics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting up electrics   Setting up electrics EmptySat May 20, 2017 8:05 pm

You either need a separate 4.8 volt battery pack or your ESC may provide 6 volts. What make of speed control are you using?
Alternatively this gadget will give you a suitable receiver voltage from your 12 volt battery

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Setting up electrics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting up electrics   Setting up electrics EmptySat May 20, 2017 9:51 pm

welcome to the forum, young salt. I hope you find the information you need on here to sort your problems out. sorry I cannot help with the electronics as I don't know the difference between a pos and a neg never mind an ohm from a watt, but there are some knowledgeable people on here who will and be able to help.

on the other hand what are you building as we love new builds and plenty of photographs on here so get stuck in and enjoy yourself, in the knowledge that there will be someone who will help.

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Setting up electrics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting up electrics   Setting up electrics EmptySun May 21, 2017 10:56 am

If you have used a esc (speed controller) to power your receivers providing they have a Bec system then they shouldn't have fried....

My only conclusion is that the esc you used isn't capable of powering the reciver unit, in which case no power have been delivered to the reciver to fry it in the first place....

To which I can only support previous suggestions to power the reciver separately, either with a Bec unit or more commonly (and cheaper option) plug in a 4 AA power pack directly.

Before you do that I would suggest checking your esc to ensure it hasn't got a 5-6v Bec circuit built in as if it has and you have also powered the reciver with a separate power supply without disconnecting the esc's central ( usually red) wire from the plug then that would be the only cause for frying the reciver with an overload of voltage.

So questions....

What esc are you using (make/model & amp range... e.g. Mtronics 15)?

And how are you powering your smoke machine? (Direct battery connection/ through the reciver?)

I'll draw up a wiring diagram in a moment when I log on my laptop with a suggested electrical setup which should stop some of the issues your having and give you fail safe running.


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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Setting up electrics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting up electrics   Setting up electrics EmptySun May 21, 2017 11:41 am

ok as promised...

 2 reasonable options to power your machine.

I've put in some options for the smoke machine power as I don't know they type your using.

Setting up electrics Wiring11

Setting up electrics Wiring10

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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