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 Close-ups of some super scale detailed Warships

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

Posts : 34
Join date : 2017-03-16

Close-ups of some super scale detailed Warships Empty
PostSubject: Close-ups of some super scale detailed Warships   Close-ups of some super scale detailed Warships EmptySat Mar 18, 2017 11:47 am

Following the vid of the battle thought I would share some up close footage of their amazing super scale warships. Scale modelling doesn't get any better than this. Looking forward to catching them on the water in the Spring.

Warships featured in this vid:
- KMS Bismarck
- Prinz Eugen
- HMS Hood
- HMS Wild Goose
- USS Hornet
- HMS Renown
- HMS Quorn
- HMS Javelin
- Submarine U552

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Close-ups of some super scale detailed Warships
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