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 you must be quackers

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Join date : 2016-05-29
Age : 64
Location : North Wales uk

you must be quackers Empty
PostSubject: you must be quackers   you must be quackers EmptyMon Jul 25, 2016 5:10 pm

spotted this
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you must be quackers Empty
PostSubject: Re: you must be quackers   you must be quackers EmptyMon Jul 25, 2016 9:35 pm

Rc ducks are old hands now, although still a fun and novel project.

Many make it easy by using a prop and rudder, although i have seen many adapt submerged toys motor systems like toy sub or drive unit.

Best one I've seen is a motorized momma duck and she drags 6 ducklings and a dadda duck. 

I've also seen RC crocodiles, and have you seen the giant rubber ducks for swimming pools? i've seen one of those made to RC for a giggle!

If your feeling this as your next project that would be great to see, i haven't built one (yet) and their isn't a build on the forum either, if you are looking for suitable 'duck' best suggestion is to look at decoy hunting ducks. ( its what i would use) they are also relatively high detailed so from a little distance you can have everyone fooled! of course if your even smarter you could make the head move and squirt water for a bit of fun! ( damit stop giving away ideas )


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Posts : 95
Join date : 2016-05-29
Age : 64
Location : North Wales uk

you must be quackers Empty
PostSubject: Re: you must be quackers   you must be quackers EmptyMon Jul 25, 2016 11:00 pm

it is the same duck that has the ducklings he raises the ducklings form the eggs in a incubator then takes them out to the real wold
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PostSubject: Re: you must be quackers   you must be quackers Empty

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