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 Wee Nip for the ladies

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Wee Nip for the ladies Empty
PostSubject: Wee Nip for the ladies   Wee Nip for the ladies EmptyMon Jun 27, 2016 2:15 am

I was hunting through my photos for images for something else and thought i would share another wee nip i built last year before i moved, it was again built for someone else (Story of my life) and she requested it to be PINK 

So heres a few images the finished boat just before it was collected.

Wee Nip for the ladies 311
Wee Nip for the ladies 1679_110
Wee Nip for the ladies 99586610
Wee Nip for the ladies 15091410
Wee Nip for the ladies 19153911
Wee Nip for the ladies 19191510

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Wee Nip for the ladies Empty
PostSubject: Wee Nip   Wee Nip for the ladies EmptySun Mar 01, 2020 1:58 am

An old post but a most sensible little boat even though it was commanded to be pink.  Hard chines give it some additional righting moment without sacrificing too much of its performance.  In a breeze even better than slack bilged options.
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Wee Nip for the ladies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wee Nip for the ladies   Wee Nip for the ladies EmptySat Jan 02, 2021 6:27 pm

Nice, my wife liked it.
Questions: What is the material used for the sail? and where to get it?

Merry New Year.
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Wee Nip for the ladies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wee Nip for the ladies   Wee Nip for the ladies EmptySun Jan 03, 2021 4:34 pm

The material is from a sheet of Mylar sail material, I can’t remember the actual website however it’s the same material as the 1m IOM yachts (international one meters) use which there is a dedicated website for with those sails pre-made... we just ordered a roll of it. That should be easily googled.

The “tape” is sail makers fabric tape. Which you will need to finish the sail as well and giving the sail the correct shape. Both tape and sail material are from the same site. 

If these are a pain in the backside.... you can locate some lightweight tight weave waxed cotton and make your own with the aid of a sewing machine, which is what I did with my display model in the end, although she’s never sailed with that rig it was more for presentation rather than practicality.

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Wee Nip for the ladies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wee Nip for the ladies   Wee Nip for the ladies EmptySun Jan 03, 2021 5:11 pm

Thank you.
I've mofified and repaired dinghy sails before and still have dacron remnants but they are too heavy for this application.
Thank you for the info.

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