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 Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyMon Jan 11, 2016 1:21 pm

HiThought I start my build blog.
I'm building the caledonion MacBrayne RHUM
but I'm doing it as it is now in Arranmore ferrys,where it runs between Arranmore and Burtonport in the summer months.
The original plans are 1/48 I have up scaled to 1/35 it works out about 750mm long and 20 5 mm wide. It's the same plans as barriew used on his. I keep you updated with the build this will be my 2nd scratch built model .
Thanks Mark
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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyTue Jan 12, 2016 10:07 am

Hi Mark,
  Love to see plenty of photo's of the build please, we love photo's on here, good luck.

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyTue Jan 12, 2016 10:44 am

Will do got plenty to put up tonight
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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyTue Jan 12, 2016 2:00 pm

Great stuff 2thumbsup
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyTue Jan 12, 2016 9:40 pm

so here is the real boat as she is now 

l Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Rhum%20mid%20Picture%202%20(1)

so first of the sides and the bottom, all made from 6mm ply

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 2

going to be a nice size model, will get the bow door to operate and possible the rear life boat davit to turn and lower the boat,
this is my 2 scratch built so far first was a simple tanker so a bit of a step but a nice size to try things out.

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 5

so thats it for now 

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Captain (moderator)
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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyWed Jan 13, 2016 7:16 am

Its a good start Mark. Did you know she has a turntable on the car deck? I thought about putting one on mine, but decided it wasn't practical with the thin deck I used. It looks as though the loading ramp has been modified - the 'flap' is definitely different. Like the colour though Wink

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyWed Jan 13, 2016 8:53 am

Thanks Barry . her I saw it had a turntable I may put that in but I can't seem to find any photos of it. 
 Need to sort the ramp out now and get that working. 
 Yer yes looks like the ramp has changed a bit as well. 

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyMon Jan 18, 2016 8:37 pm

so next step i have done is get the stern made and fixed in and sanded down

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 6

this wasnt to bad to do just a bit of filler and shes good

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 7

after i got that more or less right i started in the deck and bow sections. now this is where i went slightly wrong
the plans say for the bow section where it curves up from the side to be about 3 cm longer than i cut didn't rellise until after all clued together but i will leave it as i dont think it will make the look any different also the real boat doesn't seem as long as in the plans at the bow either,

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 8

thats it for now
i have ordered the prop shafts and the rudders so next is that to do,

thanks very much

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys   Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys EmptyMon Jan 18, 2016 8:38 pm

So an update from over the weekend and last part of last week.

i have more or less finished the hull, rudders are in just waiting on a servo arm for the steering as i havnt got enough movment,
also motors mounted and all ok.

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 15

I have started on the Ramp and trying to figure out a nice hinge and gear to raise and lower it, struggling at the moment but have an idea so work in progress with that. the way i have the hinge is
to stiff so it wont fall down under its own weight so that needs looking at.

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 20

Have modified the wheel house to reflect the Prototype rather than the plans.
its basically the funnel base thats different. also started on the funnel, im using balsa wood for that as its easier to shape.
Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 16

Thats the old bit as the plans its the far rear of the wheel hose thats differnt

and this is the new with the funnel in progress

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 18

thats about it for now while i figure out how to do the ramp.

Cal mac Rhum as run by Arranmore ferrys 19

Thanks very much

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