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 Fishing vessels

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 49
Location : Portree

Fishing vessels Empty
PostSubject: Fishing vessels   Fishing vessels EmptyMon Nov 16, 2015 1:59 pm

Fishing vessels 7858_500659829999919_2108150802_nFishing vessels 522476_324798677586036_777359835_nFishing vessels 1146930_545376688861566_843761161_oFishing vessels 1263797_545258172206751_1288394322_oFishing vessels 1274721_536253293107239_1296536673_oFishing vessels 856495_536238546442047_723324851_oFishing vessels 1048457_514479191951316_1876122400_oFishing vessels 965059_496485233750712_1896167753_oFishing vessels 977187_496481060417796_114544287_oFishing vessels 858823_464821430250426_24289382_oFishing vessels 332956_214696855262886_806025113_oFishing vessels 310651_214450128620892_1338091389_nFishing vessels 320890_214450305287541_782011455_nFishing vessels 302947_214450461954192_260066745_nFishing vessels 313844_214450495287522_1571747977_nFishing vessels 299666_214450611954177_1703209556_nFishing vessels 300744_214450665287505_1434069926_nFishing vessels 298094_214450698620835_1664344150_nFishing vessels 294244_214454091953829_1712948306_nFishing vessels 302628_214454185287153_753658506_nFishing vessels 294749_214454251953813_544265190_nFishing vessels 310184_214454348620470_827411444_nFishing vessels 310758_214449811954257_1093139496_nFishing vessels 297209_214450015287570_1464536880_n
Just a selection of fishing vessels of varying types
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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

Fishing vessels Empty
PostSubject: Fishing Vessels   Fishing vessels EmptyWed Nov 18, 2015 10:21 pm

A few different Cygnus designed hulls in that collection of photos! They must be one of the most popular boats of their sizes in the industry.
Mick F
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 49
Location : Portree

Fishing vessels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fishing vessels   Fishing vessels EmptyWed Nov 18, 2015 10:58 pm

Aye Mick 3 of the same hull design but different sizes, al GMs a 36, 38 and a 44, but the nicest GRP boat there in my opinion is the Napier 36 built by Bryce Waterhouse, but am biased, it was my fathers one lol
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PostSubject: Re: Fishing vessels   Fishing vessels Empty

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