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 What to do with this

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PostSubject: What to do with this   What to do with this EmptyWed Aug 26, 2015 2:43 pm

Ok any idea what this hull is....having searched the net looking at Models by Design/Orion Mouldings and Kingstone mouldings for any clues I have come up Blankety Blank so to speak.....the Hulll used to be around 20mm longer ad sloped down towards the stern....I have cut this bit out so I can fit a shaft with a 60mm 4 bladed prop I am thinking a Trawler of sorts  it is 36ins in length with a beam of 12ins...any BRIGHT ideas on what it may be...Catherine want a PINK boat....daddy says no HA HA

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Posts : 174
Join date : 2012-03-16
Age : 78
Location : Cornwall

What to do with this Empty
PostSubject: hull   What to do with this EmptyMon Aug 31, 2015 1:37 am

Hi Stavros,
I dont know exactly what hull it is but it appears to me to be one of the chap from Cornwall (not me!!!) Who sells on E bay? His advert usually shows a female holding the model up? He had in the past sold model Cygnus hulls, to the annoyance of Andy,who I believe has the sole right to produce them.
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PostSubject: Re: What to do with this   What to do with this EmptyMon Aug 31, 2015 7:05 pm

actually Mick........Models by design as I have perceived, doesn't have the sole rights to market every Cygnus boat.

the moulds for Cygnus ( so the story goes ) were sold off by auction in job lots , and some were sold  to different buyers who paid a higher price......which is what auctions are for, than what Mr Grigg wanted to pay.

but I agree with your point that it does look like one of the hulls that this other company looks as though it could be turned into any sort of fast patrol boat with that flair on the bow.
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