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 Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-05-10
Location : Perth West Australia

Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia Empty
PostSubject: Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia   Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia EmptySun May 10, 2015 8:22 am

Hope thats not too long for a Heading.
I was looking for inspiration for my next project. I wanted to build the Letitia Llifeboat, but with the changes at Metcalfe that could be a long wait. Then I found the build by nhp651 whose real name I am yet to fathom. Now that's a model I would like to make, and if it is available as a kit put my name on one. I don't complain about kit prices, just the cost of getting them here. 
My recent builds have been the Caldercraft tug, Marie Felling; (viewable here;  )and the delightful Highlander Clyde puffer by Mountfleet. The duck in my avatar is a restoration job, just had its first sail in 28 years, today. Made from a palm leaf for the America cup festivities in 1987. Over the last few years I've been indulging myself in various model kits from the rare Pocher 1/8 scale cars and Hasegawa superb WW1 plane kits. Then on to 1/6 scale Tamiya motorbikes and various other discontinued items that came up on eBay. I'd built some before in my youth when I was an active model make. Trying to get it back? Unsuccessfully. Have to say , it's a lot easier to do a decent job with all the easy access to reference material, and forums.
I think that will do for now.
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Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia   Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia EmptySun May 10, 2015 12:42 pm

good to see you posting Paul........and great to hear that you have an inkling to build a lifeboat...............always happy to see that.

have you any of our old lifeboats on service in your part of the world. I believer that one of our old steam lifeboats ( which I will be attempting to develop next) went over to Western Australia and is still around somewhere and working.

take care and lets hope you get sorted out soon. neil.
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Hi from another ex-Yorkshireman in West Australia
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