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 Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work

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Forum Overlord
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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 12:19 am

Well as most know i just moved House so while the net was down and the boats packed away i had little to do in the evenings apart from listen to the mrs talk about what type of curtains would go best in the bedrooms.. i decided to do some rope work, something i haven't done in a while. so i was a little rusty but over the past few weeks totalying about 35 hours of work i put together a bell rope

overal length 22" main body is grafted together ( anyone who knows about grafting knows its a really long slog to get it right and real easy to piss up!) then finished off with a few turks heads and a turned brass cap in the base. the whole thing is made from cotton twine and varnished to protect the work. its not perfect as i said its been many years since i did anything of this scale 2nd attempt will be better Shocked What a Face



Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Dscf0710

Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Dscf0711

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 1:35 am

And a bloody fine piece of rope work it is mate.
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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 8:20 am

Very nice, but it is too big for my boat! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Laughing Laughing
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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptySun Jul 29, 2012 5:20 pm

Very nice work RR, very nice indeed. When i used to work in the Coal mines, it was part of my apprenticeship to work for a while on the (Rope staff). They were a group of men that used to go down the mines repairing ropes on the "Endless Haulages". This was fascinating work, and i soon learned to splice a rope. Now these ropes were Steel, but the same can applied to soft ropes, and i have successfully spliced ropes since i retired from the mines. Once learned never forgotten. study
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptyTue Jul 31, 2012 2:08 am

thanks guys, i'll see if i can do a ''how too'' on some basic rope work might be an interesting tutorial, as much of the full size rope work can be scaled down and with a little practice can give an excellent finishing detail to many models, not only that it can be cheaper then buying pre-made things off the shelf, fenders and other small items can be made very easily with a bit of practice i'll see what i can do over the next few days.


I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptyTue Jul 31, 2012 7:46 am

I look forward to this.. Very Happy
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Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work   Moving House Sucks... So lets try some Rope Work EmptyWed Aug 01, 2012 12:56 am

So do I.
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