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 Your input for a Sub

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Age : 80
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Your input for a Sub Empty
PostSubject: Your input for a Sub   Your input for a Sub EmptyWed May 16, 2012 7:43 am

For a new project I am thinking of building a submarine same scale as the Revelle's SNOWBERRY. Recently on a visit to Kent I spoke to a guy who was just leaving the pool were he had been sailing a simple version of a sub with only 2 cotrols on the Trans. He told me that provided the sub was moving forward the movement of the planes set the sub would dive and surface, no ballast tanks etc. I was surprised, as it sounded so easy so I am looking for assurrance of this, any ideas please.

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Your input for a Sub Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your input for a Sub   Your input for a Sub EmptyThu May 17, 2012 12:13 am

Those types of subs are known as dynamic divers, using the diving plains and while the sub is under speed it pulls(and pushes) the sub under the water, they are positively buoyant so stopping the ship will allow it to pop to the surface, this would be an ideal starter into subs, as long as the electronics are water tight, and the sub is postivly boyant you should have little hastle is creating one as there is no need for ballast tanks and the complicated methods of getting them working.

I would suggest if u want to do a kit bash then try Revels Gato Class Sub, while building mine, i found that the hull is built in 6 parts, and the central section u are able to screw and unscrew easy enough with a little thought.

Post here

However, if this is your first time into subs i would suggest a cheaper, easier option check out this link.

Marks Model Bits, Dynamic Diving sub!!!


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