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 What Dia Wire Needed

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-06-08
Age : 61
Location : Weymouth Dorset UK

What Dia Wire Needed Empty
PostSubject: What Dia Wire Needed   What Dia Wire Needed EmptyTue Dec 31, 2024 12:07 pm

Hi I have a Overlander Tornado Thumper V3 3536/05 1500KV Brushless Outrunner RC Motor and a ZTW Shark Marine 60A SBEC ESC G2 (2-6 LiPo) Watercooledfor throttle responce and a Zeee 4S 14.8v Lipo Battery 9000mAh with a EC5 conector 100c. could someone tell me what wire to use for the controller to the batrtery I was going to use Flexible Soft Silicone Wire gauge 10AWG Outer Dia 5.4mm which is ratted at 80A which has a conductor cross section of 5.3mm squared thats all the information I have is this wire to heavy if so what would you sugest thank you Colin.
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