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 Electric Lipo Battery and charger advise needed

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-06-08
Age : 61
Location : Weymouth Dorset UK

Electric Lipo Battery and charger advise needed Empty
PostSubject: Electric Lipo Battery and charger advise needed   Electric Lipo Battery and charger advise needed EmptySat Dec 07, 2024 2:10 pm

Good afternoon my name is Colin and my brother and i are in the process of building a Fairy Sordsman we are both new to electrics as have had Gas boats in the past our question is we have purchased a Overlander Tornado Thumper V3 3536/05 1500KV Brushless Outrunner RC Motor and a ZTW Shark Marine 60A SBEC ESC G2 (2-6 LiPo) Watercooled now we do not know what battery and charger to purchase i guess a 6 lipo battery would be best but we do not know what voltage we do know the larger the amp hour the better or longer it would last could someone be kind enough to help us we would both be prepaired to purchase a more expensive battery and charger as the cost's are split between the two of us thank you Colin.
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Electric Lipo Battery and charger advise needed
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