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 Deck Varnish

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Steve. J. E.
Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-11-05

Deck  Varnish Empty
PostSubject: Deck Varnish   Deck  Varnish EmptyTue Nov 05, 2024 3:20 pm

Hi all,

I'm building a 1/96 scale model of the Royal Yacht Britannia, have completed the decking in 2mm Walnut (planked-caulked- planked) she is planked everywhere anyone could walk (a lot of it).
I've now come to varnish the decks, I made a sample piece that is planked to varnish first - I varnished this with Vallejo Gloss Polyurethane varnish it has the desired finish (semi gloss) but has darkened the wood which is not what I wanted.
Can anyone suggest a varnish please that will make it semi gloss and not darken the wood.

Many Tanks.
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