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 Fittings missing from kit

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3 posters
Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 2
Join date : 2024-06-23

Fittings missing from kit Empty
PostSubject: Fittings missing from kit   Fittings missing from kit EmptySat Aug 03, 2024 8:11 am

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting this game, and building a North Sea barge (Will Everard) from a Billings kit.

The hull is being painted, and I'm looking at all the bits and pieces needed in the next 15 stages.

There are 5 fittings I can't find in the kit, and I'm wondering is anyone else has had this experience, and how they coped.

Should I go straight to Billings, or are there better ways to solve the issue?

I'm missing the davits, mast hoops, and vent pipe.

Thanks in advance for your help.


John Spencer
PS And if anyone has some spare bits of these, please sing out here, or message me.
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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

Posts : 22
Join date : 2019-11-11

Fittings missing from kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fittings missing from kit   Fittings missing from kit EmptyTue Nov 05, 2024 7:47 pm

If you bought the kit from a shop (including one on line) then firstly go to them, particularly if you are in the UK, as it is their resposibility under consumer law to sort out any defect. If for some reason you cannot do the former then definitely try Billing or their agents to get the missing parts. The kit mqakers do have a rep to uphold and are usually keen to to kepp it in top order
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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

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Join date : 2018-10-18
Age : 68
Location : Mammendorf near Munich, Germany

Fittings missing from kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fittings missing from kit   Fittings missing from kit EmptyWed Nov 06, 2024 12:29 am

@JohnS: Welcome. I switched from building RC sailplanes to start the proyect of building a sailboat from scratch from a plan and to make it my way about 20 years ago. As I used to work in the semiconductor industry my way involves electronics, microcontroller, steppers and python programming. The evolution of my concept did require to build a workshop, an electronic lab and a programming computer. The way is my goal so I can expect that this boat will never get ready as my life expectancy might impact it. But it is a lot of fun and I stay learning.

Best regards
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Fittings missing from kit
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