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 Help with NQD RC Titanic

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Deck Hand
Deck Hand

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Join date : 2024-06-16

Help with NQD RC Titanic Empty
PostSubject: Help with NQD RC Titanic   Help with NQD RC Titanic EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 11:37 pm

Hello, just joined. 

My son loves the titanic and a remote control version came up on my local Facebook Marketplace, I knew he would love it so I bought it for him. I've never had an RC boat before so I'm a novice.

First two times we took it out it worked fine, however now it doesn't do anything other than power on. When you turn on the boat the lights come on as it should, the controller powers up and the lights come on, but adjusting the throttle or rudder does nothing on the boat. I've tried brand new batteries in the control, and I've verified proper voltage at the model battery connection with the unit turned on and I'm getting 10.2V DC from a 9.6V battery. 

I've tried power up the boat first then the controller, then the reverse with the same results. 

The unit was brand new in the box but sadly it was missing the manual and even with a lot of searching I have not been able to find a copy online. 

Here is the exact boat,

Any suggestions you may have would really be appreciated. My son really wants to run his boat!
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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

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Help with NQD RC Titanic Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with NQD RC Titanic   Help with NQD RC Titanic EmptyThu Jun 27, 2024 3:03 pm

My advice get a replacment, like most of those boats it's usualy cheap chinese crap with faultly electronics.

sadly no garantee a replacment will work or last long either..

unless you want to re-build the electronics from scratch there isnt much we can suggest to get this running for you.

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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Help with NQD RC Titanic
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