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 Missing wife

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Posts : 120
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 72
Location : Liverpool

Missing wife Empty
PostSubject: Missing wife   Missing wife EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 12:26 pm

A bloke reported his wife missing and Police were asking him a few questions

What colour hair has your wife ?
Um reddish brown, or blonde, or is auburn Im not really sure
Eye colour ?
Green, I mean hazel, could be blue actually
How tall is she ?
Bout 5'7" or 8", nah not that tall 5'6" maybe then she could be 5'8" I suppose
What was she wearing when you last seen her ?
She had this top on and some pants, or was it a skirt, might of been in a dress
What was she doing when you last seen her ?
She was going to take the dog for a walk I think, the dogs not here so she might of
What sort of dog it is ?
He is a Brown Mastiff with a white blaze on his chest,he has these beautiful dark eyes, he is about 3 foot at is shoulder height and had black collar with studs on it we bought at the market last year.

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Forum Overlord
Forum Overlord

Posts : 1714
Join date : 2011-06-10

Missing wife Empty
PostSubject: Re: Missing wife   Missing wife EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 4:02 pm

lol... not quite as funny as the signs that read...

'Wife & Dog Missing, Reward For Dog''

I'm  Not  Anti-Social,  I'm  Anti-Stupid.
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