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 Endeavour sailboat model

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Able Seaman
Able Seaman

Posts : 34
Join date : 2018-10-18
Age : 67
Location : Mammendorf near Munich, Germany

Endeavour sailboat model Empty
PostSubject: Endeavour sailboat model   Endeavour sailboat model EmptySun Oct 21, 2018 3:56 pm

Hi everybody. I want to share with you the most exciting model of which I got photos from the Paris area. So it is not my model.

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You can see from this photo, it is a giant model build with the quality of a real expert! Watch the details on deck!

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Next photo shows a normal sized model of the Endeavour next to the one I am presenting here! What does amaze me is the quality of its work and its finishes!

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This is the one that builds it. His work gives me the obligation to show him He sent me printed material of his model and this photos! What a Master!

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i hope you have enjoyed this photos. Since quite a while I have not been able to contact him and his club. I fear that by now he is watching from another place, but he should now at least my respect for his work of art! I hope this model has not gone the way many naval models go. They are being trashed!

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Endeavour sailboat model Empty
PostSubject: Re: Endeavour sailboat model   Endeavour sailboat model EmptyMon Oct 22, 2018 12:41 am

Indeed a superb model  2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup 2thumbsup
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Endeavour sailboat model
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