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 Getting models into the water

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Getting models into the water Empty
PostSubject: Getting models into the water   Getting models into the water EmptyMon Jan 12, 2015 10:37 am

While modifying a hand trolley to cart my welder around I had a thought for using the trolley or something eg: hand golf cart for wheeling the model into the water.
A quick attach of some wood strips and 25mm tie down cord shows the general idea.
To make it last some waterproof grease in the wheel bearings is advised.

Getting models into the water T1_zps667b2d14

Getting models into the water T2_zps73493ae2
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Getting models into the water Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting models into the water   Getting models into the water EmptySun Feb 08, 2015 5:43 pm

could do with one of those myself get heavier as we get older lol............and backs weaker Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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Getting models into the water
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