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 Spitfire 80th Anniversary flypast over my home.

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Join date : 2015-05-02
Age : 70
Location : Down the boozer.

Spitfire 80th Anniversary flypast over my home. Empty
PostSubject: Spitfire 80th Anniversary flypast over my home.   Spitfire 80th Anniversary flypast over my home. EmptySun Mar 06, 2016 4:15 pm

I was on my extension roof trying to re rout my BT wires to increase my broadband speed,--
THEN, BUT STILL, WOT Spitfire Sound grew louder from distant CLOUD GREW CLOSER.
I clambered down off the roof to grab my new camera. I was greeted from said Cloud to the view of a Spitfire gaining ground, faster upon me.
To this I set upon filming said Spitfire.

Twas the 80th ----
Anniversary of the Spitfire.

View it here Sir's

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Spitfire 80th Anniversary flypast over my home.
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